Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Want to compete in the Virtual ITC competition? Then you need to know the rules!


Virtual ITC Competition Rules

Our Virtual ITC will include traditional forms, open forms, musical forms, weapons forms and demo team competition.

Below you will find the rules so you will be prepared to compete!

1- You must be a registered participant of the Virtual ITC in order to compete in any of the competitions (or the challenges).
2- Traditional forms divisions require traditional uniforms. Black Belts should wear the official CNS uniforms while red and under belts can wear a traditional CNS uniform, plain white uniform, or their school uniform.
3- Extreme and musical divisions competitors can wear a traditional uniform or the UFAF Team uniform.
4- Video submissions must include the competitor's introduction on video. The competitor must give his/her name, age, rank, and the name of the school where they train. The competitor must also include, on video, "this is my submission for the Virtual ITC."
5- ITC participants of all ages and ranks can compete in all divisions.
6- Video submissions must be one continuous take. Do not pause or slice footage together.
7- Video submissions must be filmed with the competitor facing the camera, as if it's the judges' panel, making sure to keep the competitor's entire body in view throughout the whole video.
8- Video submissions must be uploaded to YouTube as "unlisted" then the link to the video must be mailed to by July 1st.
9- Video submissions can be filmed from any location. Choose an inside or outside location that gives adequate space to show the competitor's entire body.
10- The demo team video competition can be filmed from multiple angles, using multiple takes, or from multiple locations. Use your creativity when putting your video together for submission as that will play a role in the judges' decision-making process.
NOTE - all demo team members must be registered ITC participants in order to join the demo team competition! No demo team submission should have members who are not registered ITC participants!

A secret panel of judges will vote on the competition.

Prizes will be awarded to the top three competitors in each division!

If you have any additional questions about the competition rules, please let us know!

Registration is open now!
Be sure to register before the early bird cutoff on June 15th so you are guaranteed to get your tee and DVD before ITC week July 15-18.

Stay tuned for more information about other virtual challenges plus opportunities to attend live Zoom classes with some of our top instructors!

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