Wednesday, June 17, 2020

A B C's of Self-Defense with Maser Chuck Elias


Train the A B C's of Self-Defense with Master Chuck Elias

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Chuck Elias, 8th Degree Chuck Norris System Black Belt.
Master Elias received his Black Belt in 1983 and in 1988 opened Club Karate in Port Royal, SC. In 1998 he quit his day job to pursue his passion for teaching martial arts full time.
Master Elias currently serves on the Region 7 Board, he is the UFAF ITC Tournament Director, and is a coach for Chuck Norris' Team Chun Kuk Do™.

A B C's of Self-Defense

Not every self-defense situation is going to be the same, therefore the solution cannot be the same. In this seminar, we will explore the different mindsets needed for different scenarios.
A) - A is for Away. Maybe you were outnumbered or without tactical advantage and getting away is your best option.
B) - B is for Beat. In this scenario, you need to eradicate any further threat before you move on to help someone else that may be in danger.
C) - C is for Control. Someone who poses no real threat may be acting out of control a little bit. In this scenario, you must control that person without causing injury to anyone.

Take a look at what is in store during Virtual ITC week!

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* Seminar times are listed in Pacific Time.
* Youth seminars are designed for ages 5-12 and adult seminars are for ages 13 and up.
* Because these classes are online, anyone would be able to log on and join the workouts but realize that the seminar content will be geared to those specific age groups.

We will also have various challenges during VITC week.

Each entry in a challenge will be one entry in a drawing to win a FREE ITC for 2021!

Be sure to register by June 30th so you get your t-shirt in time to participate in the challenges!

We have set up a special Virtual ITC Group on Facebook, strictly for Registered VITC Participants.
Links to all the Zoom seminars, instructions for the challenges, and more will be available in the group. It will be a great place to connect and stay in the loop with what's happening!
You will need your VITC receipt number or UFAF Member ID in order to join the group.
If you are on Facebook, be sure to join the group.
More details on the seminars and presenters will be available soon.

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