Thursday, February 11, 2021

Historical Event Happening at ITC 2021


ITC 2021 July 15-18th 2021

Historical and Exciting News - ITC 2021

You do not want to miss being part of history!

What is this exciting news?

No - It's not Mr. Norris' birthday, though we will certainly be celebrating that! It's not the world championships, the demo team competition, or the super grands Sunday. It's not the annual BBQ and pool party, or the gala.

We are always excited to see the kickoff ceremony and each of the 5th-degree candidates and their outstanding performances, and this year's Masters Rank Induction Ceremony will have a record number of candidates being promoted. Among those receiving the 5th-degree masters rank are ... Drumroll Please ... Danilee and Dakota Norris.

What an amazing ceremony this will be as we witness the Norris legacy continue and see Mr. Norris present the black jackets to his own children.

We will announce all the MRIC candidates soon so stay tuned!

Registration will be open March 1st and you don't want to miss it!

IMG 3378


  1. Congratulations thats amazing i would love to have a signed photo of the hole family my grandson is handicap and he loves the norris can u please send me a signed photo to 4124 agency loop triangle va 22172 to ClarenceDavis in careof judy davis thanks love from the davis ��������������
