Friday, February 26, 2021

It's Just A Few Days Away!


ITC 2021 July 15-18th 2021

The 2021 ITC is a GO!

We can't wait to see everyone in person!

Registration Opens March 1st ... That's just a few days away!

This year's ITC is going to be one that goes down in the history books and you don't want to miss it!

The kickoff ceremony is going to be amazing. The pool party is sure to be a blast. The seminars never fail to be educational and fun, while the competition at the World Championships is top-notch!

Every part of the ITC is always fantastic, but this year will truly be something special!

We have a record number of 5th-degree candidates being promoted to their masters rank and we are, once again, excited to see their MRIC performances. As part of that MRIC ceremony this year, we will witness the Norris legacy continue and see Mr. Norris present the black masters rank jackets to his own children, Danilee and Dakota.

Registration will be open March 1st and you don't want to miss it!

Due to Covid restrictions, the seating at the gala will be limited. Tickets to the gala will only be sold to registered ITC participants, so be sure to register early to confirm the availability of your seats.

Norris ITC

Stay tuned for more information on
seminar presenters and seminar topics!


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