Monday, June 4, 2018

2018 IDS Instructor Highlight - Aaron Hensley


2018 Instructor Development Series

Aaron 4

Master Aaron Hensley is one of the excellent instructors lined up for the 2018 Instructor Development Series

Weapons for your classroom floor

Master Aaron Hensley, 7th degree Chuck Norris System black belt, has made a name for himself the last 3 decades winning championships with multiple weapons. An even higher level compliment is having students able to do the same.
Master Hensley will teach how to layer your weapons curriculum so you can go back to your school ready to educate your students while having fun!

UFAF ITC, Annual Gala & World Championships
July 12 - 15, 2018

A highlight of the ITC is the UFAF Gala on Saturday night. In addition to high rank promotions, attendees get to celebrate the recipients of special awards like: Competitor of the Year, Instructor of the Year, School of the Year, Most Inspirational, and the highest award, the Wieland Norris Award.
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Past ITC Award Banquets 2015-2017
Exterior Pool 13

Call the South Point Hotel at 866-791-7626 with the telephone Group Code: United Fighting Arts - UNI0709 or click HERE to reserve your room.

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