Monday, April 16, 2018

Richard Norton Returns To The ITC


2018 UFAF

International Training Conference, Annual UFAF Gala

and World Championships

Richard Norton Photo

Richard Norton is one of the exciting instructors headlining this year's ITC.
Richard Norton’s career in the Martial Arts now spans over 55 years. He has trained in many aspects of the Martial Arts including Judo, Karate, Jiu Jitsu, Kick Boxing and various Japanese weapon systems.
Richard holds a 5th  degree Black Belt  in  Brazilian Jiu Jitsu  under world renowned coach, Rigan Machado,  a  5th degree Shihan  ranking in  International Goju Ryu Karate under Hanshi Tino Ceberano, a  9th degree and Soke title  in Zen Do Kai Karate, Level 6  ranking in Kickboxing under Sensei Benny, ‘The Jet’ Urquidez and  a  5th Degree Master ranking  in  the Chuck Norris System awarded to him  by the legendary Chuck Norris.
Over the years, Richard has trained extensively with many martial arts legends, including the Machado Bros, Chuck Norris, Bob Jones, Tino Ceberano, Benny Urquidez, Tadashi Yamashita, Fumio Demura, Pete ‘Sugar Foot’ Cunningham and Bill ‘Superfoot’ Wallace.
Mr. Norton's seminar will comprise reality based, street survival techniques using the tools of the various arts such as Boxing, Karate and MMA, minus the rules and sport elements commonly adhered to when practising these various disciplines. 
The focus is to help students understand ‘street speak’ and the use of the fundamental techniques of our arts when put in a street setting as applies to what Mr. Norton calls the ‘conversation range’ that most street fights start from.
Topics covered include adrenal switches and the effects of adrenal dump on our complex motor skills when confronted with a life or death confrontation, color codes of awareness and how to train for and survive using ‘what really works’ in a real street fight.

UFAF ITC, Annual Gala & World Championships
July 12 - 15, 2018
Register by the end of April and break up the event cost over 4 easy payments.
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A special part of our ITC event is the Master Rank Induction Ceremony. This event celebrates the achievement of students who are being promoted to the master rank of 5th-degree black belt. Each candidate gives an exciting performance, then the Master Rank jacket is passed from hand to hand from every UFAF Board member all the way to Mr. Norris, who then puts it on the new Master Rank. It is exciting and inspirational to watch the years of hard work and training get recognized in that special moment.
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Watch the 2017 MRIC performances
Exterior Pool 13

Call the South Point Hotel at 866-791-7626 with the telephone Group Code: United Fighting Arts - UNI0709 or click HERE to reserve your room.

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