Thursday, June 15, 2017

Derrick Stinson - UFAF ITC Instructor Highlight

ITC 2017 LW

2017 UFAF

International Training Conference, Annual UFAF Gala

and World Championships

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Master Derrick Stinson is one of the amazing instructors lined up for the 2017 Youth ITC

Here is a short bio on Master Stinson:

Mr. Stinson, a KICKSTART KIDS alumni, has been a martial artist for over 25 years. He began his training in KSK at Central Middle School in Galveston, TX.
Mr. Stinson grew up in rough circumstances and was able to navigate and rise above these issues due to a strong mother. She wanted him to learn to protect himself and allowed him to enter the KSK program. Mr. Stinson did learn to protect himself, and also learned many lessons he still uses today. From middle school to college, Mr. Stinson has been able to continue his KSK involvement - as a student, instructor, and now the Assistant Regional Manager.
Mr. Stinson’s dedication to the KICKSTART KIDS mission has assisted him in producing many black belt students and positively impacting lives. With a wide range of accomplishments in the martial arts community, he holds dearest to his heart the following: Chuck Norris System Champion, 43 black belt students, 2005 UFAF Instructor of the Year, KICKSTART KIDS Demo Team coach and, above all, Teacher.
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Mr. Derrick Stinson and Mr. Roy White will teach "Beating Back the Bully." Students will learn basic breaks, wrist locks, shoulder locks, chokeholds, and takedowns to defend against bully attacks. They will learn catchphrase words to help them quickly apply needed defense and they will be able to use these defenses on any size attacker. After attending this seminar, students will walk around with their confidence blasting like celebrating fireworks!
UFAF ITC, Annual Gala & World Championships
July 13-16, 2017
Register by June 15th and save $100.
You MUST register by June 15th in order to compete!
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A favorite part of the ITC event is the Thursday night Pool Party & BBQ. In addition to food and swimming, participants enjoy a fun DJ with great music and dancing. The pool party is also sure to bring out our tricking enthusiasts. Beginner and advanced trickers enjoy entertaining spectators with their amazing skills.
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VIDEO - Tricking at the 2013 ITC Pool Party
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Exterior Pool 13
Call the South Point Hotel at 866-791-7626 with the telephone Group Code: United Fighting Arts - UNI0712 or click HERE to reserve your room.
Be sure to reserve your room by June 15th. There is no guarantee of room availability or discount pricing after June 15th.
If you want to take advantage of the
"Total Experience Package,"
you must register by June 15th.
That option will not be available after June 15.

Please Note

If you are not a registered participant for a particular seminar or a family pass holder with a family member participating in that seminar, you will not be allowed entrance.
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