Saturday, August 17, 2019

Need help with the new CNS Ground Combatives?

Chuck Norris System Ground Combatives Seminar

UFAF Members - Learn the New CNS Ground Combatives Requirements

On November 1 through November 2, Mr. David Dunn at Premier Martial Arts in Santa Clarita, CA is hosting a training course to help UFAF members learn the new CNS ground combative requirements for the black belt test.
This will be a Chuck Norris System curriculum course for UFAF Members Only! Mr. Dunn and his assistants will cover in detail the Brazilian jiu-jitsu ground combative requirements for black belt testing! (Successful participants will also be considered, and eligible, for rank evaluations after completion of the course.)

During these intensive 10 hours of training, participants will also explore numerous other situations that commonly occur while training Brazilian jiu-jitsu and Mr. Dunn will take the time to answer any questions you may have.
The total cost of the event will be only $99.00 if you sign up before September 1st. The cost goes up to $109.00 September 1 through October 31st. Then sign up at door will be 139.00 Sign up now and save!
This is a kid-friendly event. Children’s sessions will begin at the same time as adult sessions. The length will be based on the participants and their focus. 8 years old and up, please!
Mr. Dunn can be reached at 661.373.0399 by text or call in regards to further details of the event.

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