Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Chuck Norris' UFAF Tour Kickoff

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UFAF Tour Kickoff

If you attended the ITC this year, you heard Mr. Norris announce that he planned on traveling and visiting the regions. Well, that "UFAF Tour" has officially begun.
Mr. and Mrs. Norris, accompanied by Mr. & Mrs. Gallacher, started the tour on Saturday, Nov. 10th in Henderson, NV visiting Regions 2, 5 and 12. Then on Sunday, Nov. 11, they traveled to San Diego, CA visiting with Regions 1 and 9. They took the time to meet with school owners, instructors, and regional board members. And he graciously offered to take photos with students in attendance. In the two days, Mr. Norris must have taken around 400 photos. It was certainly an event that will forever be engrained in the memories of those in attendance.
Mr. Norris wants all members to know that he WILL be visiting your area. The Regional Chairs will be contacted to arrange things when the time comes. He already has a very busy schedule for 2019, but he definitely plans more regional visits as soon as he can.
It is rumored that the East coast will be next... so be on the lookout for announcements. And make sure your UFAF membership is up to date because these visits are for UFAF members and their families only!
Norris instructors
Norris hug
Norris School Owners
hispanic boy
Norris girls
Norris Black boy

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