Saturday, January 14, 2017

2017 ITC Instructor Highlight - Joe Gemma

ITC Event Cover

2017 UFAF

International Training Conference, Annual UFAF Gala

and World Championships

Joe Gemma
One of the outstanding instructors adult attendees will have opportunity to train with at the ITC is Master Joe Gemma.

Here's a quick bio for Mr. Gemma:

• Began training with Mr. Ken Gallacher in July 1979
• Received 1st Degree Black Belt in February 1983
• Instructed professionally since 1984
• Currently Region 2 Chairman for UFAF
• Member of UFAF Advisory Board
• Promoted to 8th Degree Black Belt by Chuck Norris in July 2011
• Retired from Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department in 2007 with 27.5 years of service
Mr. Gemma's seminar will cover Lateral Vascular Neck Restraint, which is an effective way of controlling an individual WITHOUT injury. It can effectively allow a smaller individual to control a much larger one.

In the class we will cover:

1. The physiological effects of a neck restraint
2. The difference between a neck restraint and a “choke hold”
3. Debunking myths of a “choke hold” and the effects of a neck restraint
4. Application from the front and the rear, to include grip and head placement
Exterior Pool 13
Room 12-570x237
28493120776 f04a22494d b
UFAF ITC, Annual Gala & World Championships
July 13-16, 2017
Register by the end of January and break up the event cost over 7 easy payments.
South Point Hotel & Casino - Las Vegas, NV
To reserve you hotel room, call the South Point Hotel at 866-791-7626 with the telephone Group Code: United Fighting Arts - UNI0712 or click the link above.
Our special UFAF rates are $60 on weeknights and $105 on weekends.
(Note: There will be a $20.00 per night charge for each additional person in a room beyond two persons – except for ages 6 and under.)
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Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Registration is Now Open


The 2017 International Training Conference (ITC) is packed full of seminars and events that you will not want to miss, with a completely new direction allowing you to personalize your "ITC Experience" to fit your needs!
You can choose the seminars YOU want from world class instructors in the Chuck Norris System, UFAF BJJ, and UFAF Krav Maga Force covering sparring, self defense, weapons, and more.
And this year we are beyond excited to announce our headline seminar instructor.... CHUCK NORRIS!!! YES, Mr. Norris is teaching a seminar this year!
Register early and take advantage of the payment plan to break up your registration cost.
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